Tomorrow I’ll be giving a free public webinar on behalf of CMAT, University of Kent on what makes a good song.
The session starts at 11am and will be on Zoom (just think, half of us didn’t know what Zoom was two months ago…sigh).
Should be a good one, you’ll be able to ask questions via the chat as we go.
More details here:
Hi all,
I’m now on week 5 of lockdown, having come down with a ‘SARS’ type virus after returning from Paris in early March. We’re slowly getting used to it. Although calendars are now made up of Zoom calls and online gigs as opposed to actual gigs and human interaction.
Most of us musicians are used to working in isolation. Certainly those like me who describe themselves as ‘studio rats’. We take it for granted that the outside world is still functioning, and that we can step back into it any time we choose. That’ll teach us…
I’ve been engaged in what I can only describe as a ‘manic scramble’ to translate academic teaching into usable online resources. Good thing I like a challenge. I count myself extremely lucky to still have an income…
The Saturday Night Live (Stream) gigs are for the moment carrying on on Saturdays at 7pm (UK time), but via Facebook Live as opposed to You Tube live, and can be found here:
Much better sound and far more user friendly. Take note You Tube.
New music is on it’s way. The video footage for Anarchy was, rather fittingly, completed just before we went into lockdown in the UK. The track is in the final stages of mixing, which is taking a little longer as mixing is a tricky territory to negotiate online.
In the meantime I’ll be releasing a special exclusive song which I’ve been performing as part of the Saturday Night Live (Stream) gig called ‘Together’ on Patreon in the next couple of weeks. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to sign up here:
Hope you’re all keeping safe and well,
Anna x
Hi all,
As we could all do with a little cheer on the current circumstances (?!) I'm going to be doing a live stream gig on my You Tube channel tomorrow (Saturday) night at 7pm. I'll be doing a mixture of old and new songs, and some covers, so get your covers in!
See you all (virtually) there.
Anna x
Board and committee members of The Ivor's Academy at our recent away day.
This week I've been a London commuter travelling up and down to a bumper week of Ivor's Academy events.
Staring with the above away day for all the board and committe members at St. Martin's in the Field. It was so good to be able to connect with other members of the committee's and board. There were some pretty intense but extremely positive conversations along the way, as well as a few laughs.
The following day I was back for the first meeting of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion steering group. We came away with a a big postive ‘to do' list to try and make the music industry a more inclusive place. Watch this space.
The evening saw the German Songwriters revolt panel with DSP service Deezer. Discussing how songwriters in Germany are using a Per Diem model when writing for established artists, and Deezers attempt to move to a user-centric service (one which would benefit us all, I'll do a blog post on that).
Lots of food for thought. Will report back on some of these issues, and will keep you up to date with how the various committees I'm a part of get on. For now, time to sleep…
First look at some of the new Equality, Diversity and and Inclusion steering group.
Hi all,
A little update on the MCPS campaign to start.
On Monday I submitted a ‘test case’ (ie: me) for membership of MCPS based on my streaming record. On Friday I received an e-mail to let me know that this has been accepted! This is a big step in getting the joining criteria changed. Writers/composers who’s music is being mechanically reproduced (ie: streaming, CD’s, TV) should now be able to join MCPS to collect their mechanical royalties independently. Great news for all independent’s in the UK who are missing that 50% of their streaming income!
I’m a big fan of music publishing, but in an age where musicians and creators rightly are now able to control their own destiny this will also mean that independent writers/composers will be able to decide which path is right for them. Whether they wish to engage with a form of publishing deal, use an admin service such as Song Trust and Sentric Music, or ‘self publish’ and collect their own royalties.
As well as the change what I’m hoping will now follow, is a series of articles and workshops from partner organisations such as the Musicians Union and The Ivors Academy so that we can educate more musicians on the importance of mechanical royalties. The Musicians Union will be running an article in their next edition of ‘Musician’ magazine by journalist Neil Churchman on MCPS, mechanical royalties, and what the potential change will mean which will feature content from yours truly and Paul Clements from the MPA/MCPS.
I have to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped me ‘get a foot in the door’ on this. Everyone at the MPA (Music Publishers Association), the MCPS (particularly Paul Clements & Gavin Burness) and Graham Davies & Crispin Hunt at The Ivors Academy have been great in supporting my gut instinct here.
On another note I’m very pleased to announce I’m now also an elected member of the Musicians Union’s Writer’s Committee! Looking forward to continuing to support fellow writers and composers in the music industry. Last week was a pretty good one…
Anna x
Thank you #2019.
There were some real highs last year, as well as always, a few lows. But overall, it's been an amazing journey.
Some of the highlights? A variety of writing adventures, The Ivors award ceremonies, being involved in industry committees as well as panels, performing, campaigning for songwriters and musicians rights, as well as for women in music (and actually making some headway!) and the Labour Creative Industries receptions to name but a few.
I’ve met and worked with some amazing people, some of them musical heroes, and made some wonderful new creative friends. The results of some of these partnerships you’ll get to hear this year in the new songs I’ll be releasing!
To all those in the above collage and more, it's been an absolute joy to work with you. I look forward to more adventures in #2020.
So what’s next?
Well this year will see the launch on the Patreon page, just in time for this years releases.
Releases? Yes! Four songs this year. One for each season, collected and curated under the title of ‘Mass Destruction’ EP. Each song will be accompanied by a visual aspect, and each one features a special guest writer, or performer. Starting with Anarchy which has been co-written and co-produced with Richard Lightman.
I’m also finally branching out into fully producing my own songs. A slightly scary step, but I’m particularly proud of these new songs and feel it’s time to finally ‘take the plunge’. The second song in the quartet, Stormy Daughter, written with Labour MP for Cardiff West and shadow Arts Minister, Kevin Brennan, will be the first of these.
This, and there’s more to come. Exciting times! I hope you’ll all continue to join me for the ride…
Thank you all as always for your support.
Anna x
Some of you may have been reading various posts on the various social medias about MCPS and are probably wondering what this is all about!
Songwriters collect royalties from two strands of copyright, performance (or compositional) and mechanical. Most songwriters in the UK are members of an organisation called PRS (Performing Rights Society) which collects the compositional/performance royalties for writers. MCPS (Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society) is the sister organisation which collects the mechanical royalties.
In a day and age when royalties and songwriter income is being continually squeezed it’s important for us as a community to be able to receive money in the ‘system’ that owed to us. Anyone who releases their music on services such as Spotify will be generating mechanical royalties, but unless you are an MCPS member, or have a publisher these can’t be accessed.
Until now it’s been nearly impossible for independent artists to join MCPS to collect these mechanical royalties, unless they are published or use services such as Sentric Music or Song Trust. Why? Well, the joining criteria has made it difficult for those who self release, or for those who like me who compose for radio and TV adverts but don’t receive a cue sheet to fulfil the requirements to join.
As we live in an ‘independent’ age I’ve been working on getting this changed.
Just before Christmas I had a meeting with the head of MCPS , Paul Clements, and Gavin Burness from MCPS/MPA (Music Publishers Association) about changing the criteria so that those who are members of PRS can also join MCPS.
The meeting was extremely positive, and brought these issues, and others around a lack of knowledge in the industry to the fore.
I’m really pleased to say that hard work has paid off and that change is coming in the new year. This will mean that composers and writers will be able to join if their music is on services such as Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer etc.
They’ll also be some workshops and talks at The Ivors Academy on the importance ion mechanical royalties and how they work. If you’re a member, watch this space.
Knowledge is power in this industry (as in all things). Glad I’ve been able to create some positive change.
Hi all,
Very chuffed to announce that I’m a Member of the Voting Academy for The Brit Awards 2020 on behalf of the Musicians Union! Voting starts this December. Looking forward to getting stuck in!
Anna x
I’ll be at BBC Introducing Live no less than 3 times this week! Doing bits for CMAT University of Kent today, an interview for BBC Women’s Hour on BBC Radio 4 tomorrow morning at 10am about being an independent female artist and a panel on Saturday for the Musicians Union and UK Music at the UK Music Careers Fair in South Vault 6 at 3pm! If you're around come and say hello. There are plenty of Ivors Academy folks floating about too. Should be a good one!